Member-only story
Strange Gratitude During Strange Times
Be thankful for weird stuff
No one needs a newsflash to be aware that times are weird. To say everything is different is an understatement. One poll suggests that Americans think their own gratitude is increasing, while everyone else’s is going down. Also noted, is that married couples are more grateful than single people, and both of those groups are more grateful than people age 18–24.
The phrase ‘desperate times call for desperate measures’ takes on new meaning as we all attempt to navigate uncertainty. The words are most often attributed to Hippocrates and may have come from his work Amorphisms, in which he wrote:
“For extreme diseases, extreme methods of cure, as to restriction, are most suitable.” — Hippocrates
Whatever you may have thought about the phrase until now, I’d like to suggest it is a reason to hope during trying times. Times, they are a-changin’ as Bob Dylan sings. On that much, hopefully, we can agree.
It’s pertinent, probably now more than ever, to be grateful for even the weirdest things you’ve previously taken for granted.